Estudio de KPMG y St.Gallen

Casi un tercio de las entidades de banca privada en Suiza desaparecerán del mercado en los próximos 3 años


Widening Gap Between Swiss Private Banks: A New Face for The Industry
Foto: ChemaConcellon, Flickr, Creative Commons. Casi un tercio de las entidades de banca privada en Suiza desaparecerán del mercado en los próximos 3 años

Autor: Alicia Miguel

  1. Only a small group of private banks have been able to pull away from the rest of the industry and make lasting improvements to their managed assets, efficiency and profitability. Meanwhile, smaller financial institutions in particular have felt increasing pressure this year
  2. For many, the decision is clear: either they must leave the market or they must make fundamental changes to their business model so that they can continue to operate their business profitably and sustainably
  3. "We anticipate that around a further 30% of Swiss private banks will disappear from the market over the next three years through acquisitions and liquidations. This will reduce the number of private banks from 130 at the last count to fewer than 100"
  4. Financial institutions that had kept the same CEO for the last nine years or only changed CEO once achieved higher returns on equity than banks that changed CEO two or more times