Los grandes inversores institucionales prevén cambios en sus asignaciones, menos los estadounidenses que están a la espera

Encuesta de Fidelity


World's Largest Institutional Investors Expecting More Asset Allocation Changes Over Next Two Years Than in the Past
Foto: geralt. Los grandes inversores institucionales prevén cambios en sus asignaciones, menos los estadounidenses que están a la espera

Autor: Fórmate a Fondo

Institutional investors worldwide are expecting to make more asset allocation changes in the next one to two years than in 2012 and 2014

The anticipated shifts are most remarkable with alternative investments, domestic fixed income, and cash

Many institutional investors in the U.S. are, on a relative basis, adopting a wait-and-see approach

The top concerns for institutional investors are a low-return environment (28 percent) and market volatility (27 percent)