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Julius Baer mueve su cúpula para reforzar su enfoque hacia clientes y mercados


Julius Baer Revamps Management To Strengthen Client and Market Focus
Foto: Esparta Palma . Julius Baer mueve su cúpula para reforzar su enfoque hacia clientes y mercados

Autor: Fórmate a Fondo

  1. Both the alignment of various markets within the new regional structure as well as the adjustments within the products and corporate functions area will not only benefit the clients but also lead to efficiency gains
  2. The new set-up will consist of the five Regions Switzerland, Europe (new), Emerging Markets (new), Latin America and Asia Pacific
  3. Investment Solutions Group will be renamed Advisory Solutions and will come under the new leadership of Philipp Rickenbacher
  4. Nic Dreckmann will be the new Chief Operating Officer of the Bank and member of the Executive Board of the Bank as of 1 August 2016. Later, as of January 1, 2017, he will also be a member of the Executive Board of the Group