Income Builder Fund

Thornburg Investment: “Nos interesan aquellas empresas que están dispuestas a compartir sus beneficios con los accionistas”


Thornburg Investment: “We Are Interested in those Companies that Are Willing to Share their Profits with Shareholders”
De izquierda a derecha: Jason Brady, Chief Executive Officer de Thornburg Investment, Brian McMahon, Chief Investment Officer, Ben Kirby, Portfolio Manager / Foto cedida. Thornburg Investment: “Nos interesan aquellas empresas que están dispuestas a compartir sus beneficios con los accionistas”

Autor: Fórmate a Fondo

  1. Thornburg Investment Management’s Investment Income Builder strategy invests in global stocks with a solid history of dividend payments and capacity to increase their dividends over time
  2. Higher dividend yields are found outside the United States, particularly in the United Kingdom
  3. There are attractive opportunities in the telecommunications sector and in financial services