Cormac Weldon, Threadneedle

EE.UU. está más caro que otras regiones debido a los puntos fuertes de los que otras regiones carecen


The US is More Expensive Than Other Regions Reflecting Strengths That Other Regions Lack
Cormac Weldon, director de Renta Variable EE.UU. en Threadneedle. EE.UU. está más caro que otras regiones debido a los puntos fuertes de los que otras regiones carecen

Autor: Fórmate a Fondo

  1. The US is much stronger in terms of innovation and companies that are dramatically changing industries have driven some of the stock market gains
  2. US strengths that other regions lack include well-contained inflation, positive economic growth, innovation; and a robust banking system
  3. The major long-term challenge facing the US is the budget deficit. The Democrats are reluctant to address an issue that the Republicans are at least discussing.