Four Rights, Two Wrongs and Four Maybes, on Bob Doll’s 10 Predictions for 2015

Nuveen Asset Management


Four Rights, Two Wrongs and Four Maybes, on Bob Doll’s 10 Predictions for 2015
Bob Doll / Así va la quiniela de Bob Doll para 2015: cuatro aciertos, cuatro interrogantes y dos predicciones incorrectas

Autor: Fórmate a Fondo

Bob Doll described 2015 as the year when investors transition from disbelief to belief, or from skepticism to optimism

Nuveen believes we are entering the “optimism” phase.

Most predictions made by Bob Doll at the beginning of the year are on track to be true

While U.S. equities are no longer table-poundingly cheap, Doll beleives that they offer better value than other financial assets