Bank of America Believes the Vaccines Will Boost Global Growth in an Uncertain Context Near-Term

Outlook 2021


Pixabay CC0 Public Domain. Bank of America confía en que las vacunas impulsen el crecimiento en un entorno donde la incertidumbre dominará el corto plazo

Autor: Beatriz Zúñiga

In the near term, the most important uncertainties are around the US, which is still in the rising part of the COVID and fiscal policy is equally uncertain

"Of importance is not only the supply of doses but also the demand, i.e. the degree to which vaccine skepticism will slow progress towards herd immunity"

The bank identifies four key drivers of global growth: the evolution of the pandemic, the distribution of vaccines, another round of fiscal stimulus and a "more organized" trade war

The COVID crisis has punched a hole in inflation, and whatever inflationary pressure was in the global economy has now leaked away