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Cantor & Webb trabajará con Markit ǀ CTI Tax Solutions para ampliar servicios relacionados con FATCA o CRS


Cantor & Webb to Work with Markit ǀ CTI Tax Solutions to Expand Ability to Address Tax Withholding and Compliance Issues
Foto: Randy Heinitz . Cantor & Webb trabajará con Markit ǀ CTI Tax Solutions para ampliar servicios relacionados con FATCA o CRS

Autor: Fórmate a Fondo

  1. The firm expandS its offerings related to the classification and compliance with FATCA and CRS
  2. Markit | CTI Tax Solutions has participated in numerous committees and working groups including the IRS ETAAC, the IRS IRPAC, the OECD CRS Working Group, and the HMRC FATCA Working Group