In Santa Fe, New Mexico

Lon Erickson (Thornburg Investment Management): “There is Still Some Uncertainty Surrounding the Robustness of the US Economy”


Lon Erickson (Thornburg Investment Management): “There is Still Some Uncertainty Surrounding the Robustness of the US Economy”

Autor: Meritxell Sedo

  1. Thornburg Investment Management is an independent management company, with headquarters in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 236 employees and about 48 billion dollars in assets under management
  2. The company consists mainly of private capital of which an important part is held by its Managing Directors and employees (1.88%)
  3. Thornburg uses a flexible perspective that benefits from the interaction of various investment teams in order to refine ideas, obtain better judgment and more competitive results for investors
  4. The management company specializes in six asset classes, domestic and international equities (value, growth and emerging), global fixed income, municipal bonds, mixed and alternative strategies (long/short in equities)