Entrevista con Seeyond

«Solo una cosa es segura a corto plazo: la incertidumbre está aquí para quedarse… hasta que los datos económicos arrojen luz sobre los fundamentales»


"Only One Thing is Sure over The Short Term, Uncertainty Is Here to Stay... until Economic Data Shed Some Light on The Underlying Fundamentals"
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrEmmanuel Bourdeix, director general de Seeyond y co director de inversiones de Natixis AM. Foto cedida. "Solo una cosa es segura a corto plazo: la incertidumbre está aquí para quedarse… hasta que los datos económicos arrojen luz sobre los fundamentales"

Autor: Alicia Miguel

  1. "Due to this market psychology of “good news is bad news”, we might witness volatility spikes in an environment of robust and favourable fundamentals"
  2. "Higher US interest rates as well as an expensive U.S. Dollar could weaken certain market segments, such as emerging markets and U.S. high yield which, in turn, would be a source of contagion and potential increased market volatility"
  3. "Volatility will remain a key driver in 2016 in such an uncertain environment"