Oportunidades en Europa

DNCA (Natixis): “Mientras el mundo exterior no se desacelere demasiado rápido, el rally en renta variable continuará en Europa”


DNCA (Natixis): “As Long as the Outside World Does Not Decelerate Too Quickly, the Equity Rally Will Continue in Europe”
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrIgor de Maack, gestor de DNCA Invest Convertibles, en DNCA, boutique de Natixis. Foto cedida. DNCA (Natixis): “Mientras el mundo exterior no se desacelere demasiado rápido, el rally en renta variable continuará en Europa”

Autor: Alicia Miguel

  1. "Europe will be the only area where growth will accelerate in 2015”
  2. "What is dangerous is to bet on an overly strong EPS recovery”
  3. “Investors should take profit in periods with incentives by central banks, when money is cheap. It might be an historical moment”
  4. “Europe has refused the "Diktat" from Tsipras but will need to send a strong message to all European people”
  5. More convictions in the domestic sectors in Europe or influenced by M&A (media, construction, telecoms). And in peripheral Europe vs core
  6. “Micro-approach should be the winning lottery ticket”