17,000 puntos de venta

Aegon y La Banque Postale completan un acuerdo de gestión de activos en Francia


Aegon and La Banque Postale Complete Asset Management Partnership in France
Foto: Sagrario Gallego, Flickr, Creative Commons. La mitad de los españoles suscribiría un plan de pensiones si su empresa se lo ofreciese

Autor: Fórmate a Fondo

  1. Aegon has acquired a 25% stake in La Banque Postale Asset Management for a consideration of EUR 112.5 million
  2. LBPAM is the fifth largest asset manager in France, with approximately EUR 150 billion assets under management.
  3. The agreement supports Aegon's ambition to grow and diversify its customer base and to provide fee-based, capital-light products
  4. La Banque Postale's network counts with 17,000 points of sale