Latest OECD Economic Survey of Chile

OECD: Chile Should Focus on Reducing Inequality to Strengthen Social and Economic Recovery from COVID-19


Pixabay CC0 Public Domain. La OCDE insta a Chile a que se centre en reducir las desigualdades para reforzar la recuperación social y económica

Author: Fórmate a Fondo

  1. The OECD considers that chilean economy will be back at pre-pandemic levels around late 2022.
  2. Any resurgence of social conflict could also dampen the pace of recovery
  3. Despite progress in reducing poverty, 53% of households are classed as economically vulnerable,
  4. Broadening the income tax base and eliminating unnecessary tax exemptions, would be a start towards building a more effective tax and transfer system
  5. Access to quality education in Chile is strongly linked to socio-economic status and the OECD recommends increasing public expenditure in education
  6. In the business sector, improving competition, encouraging the adoption of digital technology and reducing the complexity of regulatory procedures would drive productivity gains and help firms to grow