With the Fed Tapering Underway, the Market Focuses on Inflation and Rate Increases

Investment manager’s view


Fed Powell
Foto cedidaJerome Powell, president of the Federal Reserve. Con el tapering de la Fed en marcha, el mercado pone el foco en la inflación y las subidas de tipos

Autor: Beatriz Zúñiga

The president of the Fed insisted that the high inflation is due to transitory factors and not to a very tight labor market, as the Phillips' curve used to historically suggest

The market has reacted smoothly since it had already discounted the news and has moved with the tranquility of a predictable monetary policy without surprises

Fidelity International, Newton (part of BNY Mellon IM), Mediolanum International Funds Ltd., DWS, Olea Gestión, PIMCO, Diaphanum, Nextep Finance, Generali Investments, Edmond de Rothschild AM and Ostrum AM (affiliate of Natixis IM) share their views about yesterday's Fed meeting