SPDR Investor Survey Highlights Role of Education in Gold ETF Adoption

Gold ETF Impact Study: Advisor Edition


Autor: Funds Society, Miami

The study found that lack of knowledge is the number one reason why, among the options provided, surveyed investors do not invest in gold, with more than a third indicating they do not have gold in their portfolio because they do not know enough about the ways they can invest in gold

Only 41% of surveyed investors agree that they understand what influences the price of gold, compared to 75% among those who actually do have gold in their portfolios

Nine out of 10 (91%) surveyed investors who own gold ETFs indicated they were informed by their financial advisor about the different ways to invest in gold

The survey also revealed approximately three in four gold ETF investors (73%) agree that gold ETFs have improved the performance of their investment portfolio, with three-fourths (76%) reporting that ETFs are a more cost-effective way to invest in gold