Jim Leaviss (M&G): “The Low-Rate Environment Presents the Greatest Challenge for Fixed Income Investors”

Interview by Funds Society


Jim Leaviss M&G
Foto cedidaJim Leaviss (M&G), gestor del fondo M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond y CIO de renta fija en M&G Investments.. Jim Leaviss (M&G): “El entorno de bajos tipos de interés representa el mayor reto para los inversores en renta fija”

Autor: Beatriz Zúñiga

"The backdrop of low or negative yields in developed markets has underlined the attraction of higher yields that can still be found among emerging market bonds"

"We are staying cautiously positioned from a duration perspective"

"Many of the long-term trends that have driven yields lower over the past 30 years remain in place, so we would not expect to see any significant rise in government bonds"

"We believe a flexible approach will be key to adding value in an environment of long-term, low interest rates"