Carlos Hardenberg: “Growth and Technological Innovation Position Emerging Markets as Breeding Grounds for Highly Innovative Products”

Interview with the Founding Partner of Mobius Capital Partners


Photo courtesyCarlos Hardenberg, socio fundador de Mobius Capital Partners y co gestor.

Autor: Beatriz Zúñiga

The Mobius Emerging Markets Fund has just achieved its 5-year track record with significant outperformance, returning over 25% (USD) during a period when the index (MSCI EM Index USD) was negative. As mentioned above, we focus on one concentrated, active strategy investing in quality companies in emerging markets

My plan includes the promotion of select employees to partner roles. This is a reflection of their contributions and performance, aligning the team's interests more closely with those of our investors

In fact, we are actively exploring opportunities to further enhance our exposure to the Brazilian market