More Than 14,000 Investment Professionals Pass Level III CFA Exam, Take Final Steps to Becoming Charterholders

CFA Institute


More Than 14,000 Investment Professionals Pass Level III CFA Exam, Take Final Steps to Becoming Charterholders
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrFoto: albertogp123, Flickr, Creative Commons. Más de 14.000 profesionales de la inversión obtienen la Designación Profesional CFA

Autor: Alicia Miguel

Globally nearly 55,000 candidates passed Level I, II, and III exams and join the CFA Institute effort to create an environment where investors’ interests come first

The 2014 exams were given at 255 test centers in 196 cities, across 91 countries worldwide

Examples of markets with the largest number of candidates that took the CFA exam are the United States (29,625), China (19,395), India (9,516), Canada (10,161), the United Kingdom (8,134), Hong Kong (5,422), and Singapore (2,983)