Leadership in European ETFs and a Business of Liquid Alternatives: Amundi’s Bets After the Acquisition of Lyxor

A strategic vision


Captura de pantalla 2021-02-10 a las 13
Foto cedidaValérie Baudson, consejera delegada de Amundi.. Ser líderes europeos en ETFs y una línea de negocio de soluciones alternativas líquidas: así es la apuesta de Amundi tras la compra de Lyxor

Autor: Beatriz Zúñiga

The purchase elevates Amundi to the top position among European ETF providers and enriches their active management offering

Amundi has made the strategic decision to create a dedicated Liquid Alternatives business line called Amundi Alternatives

The asset manager reaffirms its position as a leader in alternative investment, aiming to increase assets under management on the UCITS Alternative platform by 50% by 2025

As of January 1, 2022, Lyxor is a subsidiary of Amundi and will be integrated into the group's operations with significant changes to its structure