iM Global Partners: “Pension Systems Around the World are Looking at Specialized Active Managers”

Interview with José Castellano


iM Global Partners: "Pension Systems Around the World are Looking at Specialized Active Managers"
Foto cedidaJosé Castellano, CEO adjunto y director de desarrollo de Negocio Internacional de iM Global Partner.. iM Global Partner: "Los sistemas de pensiones alrededor del mundo rotan hacia gestoras especializadas"

Autor: Gabriela Huerta

They currently have investments in Polen Capital, Dolan McEniry Capital Management, Sirios Capital Management and Dynamic Beta investments

Looking to partner with somewhere between 10-20 different asset managers

They help managers grow exponentially by exposing them to other areas of the world

Their mayor focus in the first half of 2019 is to launch Europe and expose their partners to the European market