Natixis Global AM Survey

U.S. Investors Fear Market Correction But Expect Double Digit Gains in 2015


Los fondos long/short de renta variable se perfilan como una alternativa para gestionar la volatilidad
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrFoto: José María Silveira Neto. Los fondos long/short de renta variable se perfilan como una alternativa para gestionar la volatilidad

Author: Fórmate a Fondo

  1. “American investors have gotten used to excellent stock market returns in the last few years, so their view of financial markets is notably positive,” said John Hailer, chief executive officer of Natixis Global Asset Management for the Americas and Asia.
  2. 67 percent say they feel powerless to protect their investments in the face of a severe market correction
  3. Looking ahead, investors say their portfolios have to earn a return of an average of 10.1 percent a year, above inflation, to meet their financial needs